Soms zijn ze grappig, soms tenenkrommend, soms zijn ze om in tranen uit te barsten van geluk en verdriet tegelijk. De quotes van de dag. Houd je vast!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Halloween: The night before

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Ballet Austin: Inaugural Season Opener Part III

Monday, October 27, 2008
Ballet Austin: Inaugural Season Opener Part II
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Ballet Austin: Inaugural Season Opener Part I

Spoiled by technology

Friday, October 24, 2008
Voting is cool

I remember voting for the first time a couple of years ago in The Netherlands. A voice in my head screamed all day "You are going to vote tonight!", which felt pretty mature for a just 18-years old girl.
Although you may think your vote doesn't really count or you find it difficult to make a final decision, please vote. It will make you feel priviledged, it will make you appreciate the fact that you live in a democratic country and it will make you proud: you have a voice.
By the way, don't you think that walking around the whole day with a sticker saying 'I voted' on your chest looks pretty mature?
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Comedy debute of the Presidential Candidates
"Of course I am especially glad to be here tonight with my distinguished opponend, Senator John McCain. I think it is a tribute to American democracy that with two weeks left in a hard fought election, the two of us could come together and sit down at the same dinner table without any preconditions." - Barack Obama
"I was send here by my father to safe the planet 'Earth'. I got my name, Barack, from my father. And as many of you do not know, Barack is actually Swahili for 'That One'. - Barack Obama
Watch, laugh and wonder about John McCain and Barack Obama
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Lake Travis: Oasis

South Congress Cafe

Eating in a restaurant that looks really up to date and cared for feels even more luxurous when you are located between a lot of vintage and second hand stores. Although the prices are not too high, the atmosphere the restaurant creates is translated into a lot of special dishes that sound neat without even tasting them.
Here you find a couple of dishes I tried myself:
Pesto Goat Cheese Bruschetta: Being a big fan of both goat cheese and pesto I just had to try this. Although you need to spread the goat cheese on the bruschettas yourself, the plate looks really pretty and above all: the taste is perfect, not too strong, not too light.
Very Bleu Salad: Indeed, this salad was very bleu. In case you don't like blue cheese: don't pick this one. In case you like blue cheese as much as I do: eat it, enjoy it and get this overload of blue cheese untill you can't even see it anymore.
Chipotle Shrimp Quesadilla: I just need a couple of words here: shrimp, quesadilla, hot, hot, hot, but: excellent.
Crab Enchiladas: Although I found the taste of crab a little overwhelming I need to compliment the chef again.
Austin Movie Festival: Wendy & Lucy

The end shows how economic problems can affect the way you treat your loved ones.
You can visit Austin Movie Festival until October twenty-third at several cinemas in Austin, Tx. Here you find the schedule.
Monday, October 20, 2008
The House of Torment: The human chain broke

After a couple of frightful but seemingly safe minutes I felt some inhuman pufs reaching my neck and merciless shouts numbing my sense of hearing. I knew something was wrong. The human chain broke. The tall guy-little girl chain broke.
Looking back I saw his posture reflecting agony. He was slouching all the way down in order to look smaller and more fragile. Obviously, small people wish they were taller to look tougher, whereas tall people wish they were smaller in order to look more fragile.
At the end we all converged by a shiny, black hearse that was parked in front of the House of Torment, reminding us of how similar people are. Tall or short, brave or fragile.
Saturday, October 18, 2008

I just dropped my mom and sister off on the airport and I realized I am on the exact half of my stay in the United States today.
On the one side I hope time will fly again so that I will see my family during christmas to tell them all my American adventures. On the other, I wish somebody could stop the clock from ticking.
Let's make this second half at least as good as the first, I'm ready!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Presidential candidates changed ties

Tonight the political tie color-rule is definitely broken. I noticed that in the last couple of months Obama was predominantly wearing a blue tie and McCain was wearing a red tie. Tonight during the last presidential debate they both broke the rule. Namely, Obama was wearing a conservative-red tie and McCain was wearing a quite liberal-blue tie. Pretty confusing for the last presidential debate, for the last chance to make your point and to be as clear as possible.
The only one that sticked to the rule tonight was the moderator of the debate: Bob Schieffer. He was as neutral as a moderator needs to be, wearing a blue-red striped tie.
Rejection of Apologies

Everything I saw this afternoon pointed out that I definitely need to reject my apologies for today’s weather.
What I saw was unbelievable, at least, for me.
People were dancing in the rain. They opened the door and ran outside with big smiles on their faces. I even saw somebody taking pictures of raindrops.
Apparently I was the only one feeling sorry for the fact that these huge and wet raindrops were attacking Austin today.
My apologies for this rainy weather
Monday, October 13, 2008
Driving on the American Highway

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Buffalo Exchange
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
French Movie Night Part III: Le Fabuleux Destin d' Amélie Poulain

Growing up in a world as big as her own house, Amélie Poulain creates her own world of fantasy and imagination. During her job in a restaurant called 'Les Deux Moulins' she observates people and finds ways to increase their happiness.
By enjoying things other people wouldn't even notice, like putting her hands in sachets of grain or watching the faces of people sitting behind her in the cinema, she creates her own form of happiness as well.
Though, real prosperity, wisdom and succes are about to enter her life from the moment she finds a binder with photos on a streetcorner. Encouraged by a painter that unconsciously and figuratively paints the personality of Amélie, she is ready to enter a whole new world.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Efficient language

Some words just sound better in other languages.
It may not seem efficient to use different languages in one sentence, but sometimes there is just one word that perfectly describes what you feel and what you want to make clear. It is about the way it sounds, the atmosphere it creates.

Vienna is certainly a nice city to visit for a couple of days, but don't stay for too long.
The romantic entourage will only look magical for a couple of days, until the point that you get used to walking through a fairy-tale scene, hearing stories about Princess Sisi and seeing carriages with horses on every street-corner.
Not staying too long will make you want to go back to the feeling of being the main person in the Austian fairy-tale.
Chaddick Dance Theatre Part IV: Six Passing

Chaddick Dance Theater Part III: A Gambit

Monday, October 6, 2008
French Movie Night Part II: Avenue Montaigne
the phone and say "Who the hell's that.." and those who say "Hey!"."

After hearing her grandmother's stories about the purpose of life Jessica is more than ready to start her new life in Paris. Getting a job at the theatre bar gives her life a new spin; she meets all kinds of people and she jumps into the world of art, theatre and audiences. This kind of world seemed like an utopia on the beginning, but turned out to be a scenery of secret relationships and depressive realities. Her optimistic, curious expressions and her exciting appearance make Jessica look like a naïve but reasonable girl.
It seems like the expression "the grass looks greener on the other side" is applicable to countless situations.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
French Movie Night Part I: La Haine

Saturday, October 4, 2008
Chaddick Dance Theater part II: Flights from Reality

The performance starts with a couch in the middle of the stage. A man is watching TV and eating chips. His wife is reading a book. Not just a book. She is reading a ridiculously old-fashioned romantic book. And yes, she is reading it out loud.
On the background, two couples of dancers are wearing traditional clothes from the Shakespeare era. While the woman reads the book the couples are figuring the story in their movements and gestures towards each other.
The contradiction between this couple and the actual couple sitting on the couch gives the whole choreography a funny touch but it made me think too. Reading the book made the woman escape from reality, but at the same time she fell asleep on her husband’s shoulder. On her - TV watching - chips eating – bored - husband’s shoulder.
Chaddick Dance Theater part I: Bridgeboard

I am a big fan of both dance and theatre. It makes my day when they are subtly combined. The show called ‘Second Wind’ by Chaddick Dance Theater’s and Kathy Dunn Hamrick was a mix of movements, emotions, stories and lights that made me want to discover every little hidden message.
The first dance performed tonight was ‘Bridgeboard’ by Cheryl Chaddick.
The dancer was covered in a black and white suit. The bright spotlight made the white even lighter and the black even darker. This contradiction wasn’t only represented in her clothes but also in the story told by her body and by both sides of the dance floor.
Namely, the character had to make a choice. All of a sudden she started waving; she had to say goodbye to someone she loved. At this point her new life started. During aggressive or sad moments she was dancing on the left side of the stage, and during bright and relieved moments she was dancing on the right side of the stage. After wondering if she prefers her old or her new life, the left or the right side, she realizes she can’t go back. She starts waving to her old life.
For those who have met the empty nest or made a dynamic choice.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
These days..
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
The Kooks - Seaside