Monday, November 30, 2009

Una pelota guatemalteca

"Eres una pelota.."

It was the first thing she said when she touched my hand.

The old lady missed her front teeth and couldn't walk properly anymore. I don't know if it was the dark and cold living room that gave me this weird feeling, or just the fact that I was visiting a shamman in Guatemala that touched my hand and said right away: "you are just like a ball, bouncing on the earth".

I've always tried to avoid spiritual ways of thinking that could not fit into my perspective on the world. It may sound like 'taking the easy way out', and actually, it is.

Just the first sentence of this shamman, touched my soul so deeply that I don't even know what to think about it.

Half a year before the moment the shamman touched my hand I just got back from the United States. My friends asked me if I wanted to go and travel again. Of course I wanted that, but not at that very moment because 'I didn't want to become a bouncing ball that never stands still'.

Maybe I should keep bouncing, the world might look differently from up there..

Monday, September 14, 2009

How entertaining is it actually?

Looking at it a year after dedicating this name to my blog, how entertaining is life actually?

I am now forcing myself to come up with at least one aspect of life that is 'entertaining'.

First problem; what is entertaining again? God, I really need to get back to Austin and get my ass into those soft office-like chairs again, to listen to Michael Barnes, explaining me what 'entertainment journalism' is again.

How I wish I could go back to those good old days, wondering around in my sunny outfit on the campus of St. Edward's University, just wondering why I turned out to be the Dutch student studying at this wonderful campus full of nice people, blue skys, interesting classes, parties, roommates and above all; blogwriting.

Sounds pretty entertaining..

Make me write

Time for a change, time for a new template, time for new blogs!
I should be ashamed for not writing anything on my blog since the moment my plane took off. I left Austin, TX, with this really satisfied feeling: I wrote, wrote and wrote. I developed writing skills and I used to be inspired to play with my computer keyboard every single day. The feeling of 'having to write' makes it - at least for some people - much more difficult to write. I used to think I was part of that group. Though, now that I got back to the Netherlands I haven't been writing anything since I don't 'have to' anymore. So please, make me write. Read my blog, offer some challenging comments that will make me 'having to write'!