Thursday, November 6, 2008

Obama all over the world

Personally as well as in the media, I found that Obama is famous all over the world.

Tuesday night, 10 P.M. in Austin, 5 A.M. in The Netherlands, I called my parents. Sometimes when I am really excited the only possibility is calling my parents. Of course I knew they were quite involved in the 2008 presidential elections in America, but their reaction surprised me.

" Hello, this is Leo Lemsom...." (Sounds sleepy)
" Dad, he won! Obama won!"
" YEEEAAAH! I can't believe it, thank you so much for calling!"
(Mom, on the background:) " Thanks kid, I set my alarmclock at 5.30 in the morning, to watch the news about the outcome, but now I know it already!"
"Wow, you sound really awake now.."
"We are going to watch the news right now, have fun over there"

Although they didn't talk to me for more than two weeks, they were more excited about the elections than about hearing my voice, pretty impressive.

Also, I found this article on the internet. It is an article from an 'Friese' (a department of The Netherlands) newspaper saying that Obama is in the family tree of a Fries guy. Explaining this by the fact that the name 'Obama' developed out of the name 'Obbema', which is a Dutch name.

Apparently, people are really interested in American politics and and they want to be as close to him as possible. Just think about the influence this election had on people all over the world. It makes you feel thankful you were able to experience this historical moment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hee Loes, haha echt een heel grappig stukje! Heerlijk om van die stukjes te lezen over NL. Moet je dit nou elke dag doen, zo'n stukje schrijven of wat? Ik zie dit namelijk voor het eerst maar er staan super veel stukjes!

Dikke kus Nichte