Monday, September 14, 2009

How entertaining is it actually?

Looking at it a year after dedicating this name to my blog, how entertaining is life actually?

I am now forcing myself to come up with at least one aspect of life that is 'entertaining'.

First problem; what is entertaining again? God, I really need to get back to Austin and get my ass into those soft office-like chairs again, to listen to Michael Barnes, explaining me what 'entertainment journalism' is again.

How I wish I could go back to those good old days, wondering around in my sunny outfit on the campus of St. Edward's University, just wondering why I turned out to be the Dutch student studying at this wonderful campus full of nice people, blue skys, interesting classes, parties, roommates and above all; blogwriting.

Sounds pretty entertaining..

Make me write

Time for a change, time for a new template, time for new blogs!
I should be ashamed for not writing anything on my blog since the moment my plane took off. I left Austin, TX, with this really satisfied feeling: I wrote, wrote and wrote. I developed writing skills and I used to be inspired to play with my computer keyboard every single day. The feeling of 'having to write' makes it - at least for some people - much more difficult to write. I used to think I was part of that group. Though, now that I got back to the Netherlands I haven't been writing anything since I don't 'have to' anymore. So please, make me write. Read my blog, offer some challenging comments that will make me 'having to write'!